Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Comments fixed

We've changed the commenting settings, so now you should be able to comment without first needing an account with Google, Yahoo, etc.

Just click on the 'comment' button and type your comment into the box at the bottom. On the drop down 'comment as' menu underneath you should choose 'name/url' from the list.
When the pop-up appears, just type your name into the 'name' box. You don't have to type anything into the 'url' box.
Then press 'continue' and then the button marked 'publish'.
Your comment should then appear on the main blog page(though you might need to press the refresh button (or the f5 button) first.


  1. Good that you've fixed the comments.

  2. laura kerr3/3/10 22:03

    Testing... testing... think its right now!

  3. Paul Owen8/3/10 12:44

    Give 'em hell you two!

  4. Chooo chooooooooo!

    Ruth Brown said... Have fun!

  5. Grandad said hes checked this blog and left a comment but i dont see it, I will have to talk to him again about it! have a great time you two.

  6. howl howl icy winds, we will howl with you. Chuff chuff a chuff a chuff chuff. Lets make a man of snow, snow. Lets make him big and fat, fat! Mrs Garret would be proud. Robin, you could teach it to Louis and sing all the way!
    Hope you are having lots of fun. Eagerly awaiting the first post!!! xx

  7. Anonymous15/3/10 16:50

    Am thinking about you - u will be well on your way day 6 on the train - I bet u wouldn't want to swap places with me - I am on the reception point at work - hope u r ok and I know u won't get to blog us back until you arrive safetly at your destination - or at least not till u find a internet cafe - luv Ana xxx

  8. looking forward to hearing from you 2 about what youve seen!? your eager public is waiting for you!
